You feel like a victim of circumstances, rather than the victor of life?
You feel like there is a different way to live life, but have no clue how to shift out of feeling out of control?
And you want something different, you want to be living happy and fulfilled, but just aren't sure where to start?
I used to be the same!
I saw other people living a wonderful life, and to be honest I felt a little jealous. Like no matter what I did the same patterns, the same feelings, and even some of the same circumstances kept coming around. Like a record on replay...
I wanted to manage my life, rather than feeling like it was managing me.
So I set out to figure out how. How to create my reality rather than feeling stuck in a reality where I wasn't happy.
An Online Empowerment Course: Awareness is the key to unlocking your personal freedom!
Practicing Awareness.
Once I took the responsibility for my own life- that it wasn't something "out there"- I found the freedom I had been seeking, but without knowing "how" to achieve it.
I began living a life of observation, one where I learned to ask questions and become curious about these thoughts, feelings, emotions and behaviors.
Asking where did they come from instead of just pointing the blame at someone or something else.
You know what I found?
Self-love, self-acceptance, and a lot of understanding as to why I do what I do.
And why a lot of the same patterns kept showing up in my life! And you know what else? Through this awareness, I no longer felt like the victim.
As I became aware of myself, of my thoughts, my emotions, and my behaviors, I was then able to choose which ones I wanted to keep and which I could let go of- because they no longer aligned with who I am. This is personal freedom.
I'm NOW in the driver seat of my decisions, rather than feeling like a victim to repeating circumstances.
Awareness is the key to unlocking your personal freedom.
Release the feelings of being a victim to life, and become the victor of life.
Through awareness, you can use tools to make changes for your life.
Briana Bragg is the intuitive and creative visionary behind a revolutionary process for healing. As a conscious transformational specialist, she has developed an integrative methodology to align the potential of the mind with nature’s abundant healing properties.
No stranger to the power of change, she boldly and decisively stepped away from decades-old inner turmoil, limiting beliefs and subconscious patterns, along with self-doubt toward a personal awakening grounded in peace and light. Today, she likens her metamorphosis to that of a caterpillar in a chrysalis turned effortlessly into an agile butterfly. And now she shares her journey and tools with you.
Cultivate radical self-love and acceptance
Find joy and contentment from within, rather than seeking it from external situations and people
Learn to laugh with yourself rather than feeling inadequate or like something is wrong with you
Gain self confidence that will shine no matter what situation you find yourself in or who you're around
Let go of repeating patterns that keep you feeling stuck in life
Release feeling triggered by people and situations in your life
Be your authentic self without feeling the need to hide who you are
Just what I needed
"Briana's work was exactly what I needed to enhance my wellness practice & my own mindfulness- I never knew how important knowing HOW to practice awareness was.
Sense of calmness
"My meditation sessions with Briana are incredibly effective and have left me with a sense of calmness and feeling of inner peace. And I love my awareness tools- they are a must!"
I've learned so much
"Briana is a skilled leader and her teachings feel very comfortable and personal. I've learned so much from her masterclasses- I highly recommend them."
I feel like myself
"Before I was introduced to Briana's work, I was a mess. Overwhelmed, never present and stressed all the time. With her guidance, I feel like myself for the first time in a long time."
Online Training: Tools for How to Practice Awareness in over 27 different situations in life: Real how-to's, not just talking about being more aware (valued at $297)
Recording: All of Briana's Tools & Secrets To Watch On Repeat (well, priceless really!)
'50+ Ways To Practice Conscious Breathing' PDF Guide (valued at $47)
Briana's VIP List: Get the Details About Upcoming Goodness Before Anyone Else! (again, priceless!)
A Curated Spotify Playlist for Practicing Awareness (valued at $47)
Are you READY?
Want to see how life truly can be lived with more awareness?
Ready to break free from being a victim to life?
To live life every day so fulfilled your smile is contagious?!
Let's do this together!
Just BE Who You Are!
Let me show you how I went from feeling insecure about pretty much everything about unapologetically living the life of my dreams.
It's not as hard as your mind is telling you it is.
Press pause on the worry, fear and doubt- if not NOW, when?!
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